Upcoming Events


10/8/13 - Women's Media Center Awards
The Women's Media Center is amplifying women's voices by promoting women as subjects and decision-makers within the media, training women and girls so they are media-ready and media-savvy, exposing sexism in the media, and creating innovative new media and original content.

10/12/13 - Center-Shift NYC Conference: Affirming Transnational Women's Feminism, Leadership and Sisterhood.

Women are organizing at a historic time where mass uprisings across the globe – from Egypt to Brazil – are taking place. Concurrently, here in the United States, past generations’ of women’s rights are being stripped through right-wing measures; women are at the forefront to defend those rights as well as in leadership of other movements – immigrant rights, prison reform, reproductive and educational justice, anti-war. The NYC conference is thus crucial to discuss the visions, coordination and future direction of our movements and women’s organizing. It aims to bring together transnational and women of color in the United States to affect ideologies and practice of the 4 forwarded.

10/13/13 - WAM!NYC Media Training featuring Jenn Pozner, Yana Walton and Jamia Wilson

A day-long, small-group training where you will learn tips and tricks on how to present yourself effectively in the media. Plus you’ll get the chance to practice, record mock interviews and get feedback in a supportive setting!

10/22/13 - Speaking in Panel for NOW-NYC Activist Night: What is Solidarity for Women of Color?

The #solidarityisforwhitewomen caused an uproar recently in social media and the blogosphere, with Women of Color questioning what their position is within the feminist movement. This conversation will explore how feminist Women of Color navigate their experiences within a society where solidarity has been commonly defined by White women. We will discuss recent developments within the feminist movement as it pertains to Women of Color and how race, politics/policy, pop culture/media and economic developments affect their lives. Panelists will participate in a roundtable discussion, engaging in conversation with one another conducive to defining Solidarity for Women of Color by the end of the evening. 

10/25/13 - Recruiting at Columbia University Engineering Career Fair

10/25/13 - Attending Housing Works The Age of Ladyblogs, or, How Women’s Websites Are Shaping The Cultural Conversation


11/1/13 - Visiting NPR Latino USA with Maria Hinojosa to discuss body image and Latinas.

11/15/13 - Speaking on Latina Feminism for Vista Latino/a Organization at William's College, Massachusetts 

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